Friday, April 23, 2010

The Zombies Ate My Pokemon!

I think what I might do from now on is basically list a paragraph of each day of the week starting from Saturday up til today!

So, last Saturday, I recorded the Mythology Network, and it surprisingly wasn't as troublesome as I expected it to be. However, I had to do a shitton of editing, which means I couldn't be in CanisSkye's donation stream all that much! Also, I was playing a ton of Resident Evil 5 for some reason, and I don't know why. I also had to see Alice in Wonderland 3D AGAIN, which I didn't want to see again.

On Sunday, I was basically playing Pokemon HeartGold for the entire game trying very hard to catch that damn elusive Latias. Much to my dismay, I couldn't catch it. Huzzah for wasting an entire day on NOTHING! I think I also nommed the reminder of my popcorn from the movie the night before.

Monday, typical school day, nothing real interesting happened there. Did I mention my Accounting class is full of idiots who think continuous pratfalls and loud noises are suitable forms of humor? In my World Civ.s class, we watched a film about Ancient Egypt, with a cartoon that is, dare I say, the greatest since James Cameron's Avatar? Seriously, I was loling throughout the whole thing. I also watched Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time in a while; still a great freaking film! Also, was still trying to catch that damned Latias!

Tuesday was almost the same, except in English we had to DRAW A BOAT; DRAMATIC! Also, we learned about the concept of half-life in Math; exciting [did I mention my teacher's name is Mr. Freeman?]. After school, I finally managed to catch that goddamn[Joel] Latias...then I remembered "Oh shit, I've got to battle Red, damn me!"

Wednesday was a bleh day; basically the same as Monday [Accounting class is mentally disabled, watching the cartoon of awesome]. OH WAIT, we got to make a giant green ribbon outside in the burning heat for 40 minutes while wearing plastic green ponchos....FUN! /sarcasm

Yesterday was much MUCH better! I got L4D2's first DLC campaign, "The Passing," which is just epically awesome; I recorded a blind run of it and I might upload it starting Monday, depends on whether or not Valve is on the copyright hunt! I also got to participate in Chickenfajita12's stream, with Drunkendan, eliwood, and a few others! It was so much fun!

Today was okay, I guess! I did finally manage to defeat Red and catch the rest of the Ledgies in HeartGold I can get up to this point! I also obtained a cute-as-hell Bulbasaur, which is SO FUCKING CUTE [Pardon mah language]! Then, we went out to the just "walked around aimlessly for hours on end!" That was until we came across the video store, and got the original Night of the Living Dead and The Evil Dead; FUCK YES!

So that's it for this week's SyKho Weekly! Until next Friday, see you later and good bye....also, can anyone help design my blog; I don't know how to do it! :C

Friday, April 16, 2010

Yes....I made....A BLOG!

OMG! This is like the next Formspring, apperantly! Well....lessee 'ere!

OKAI! So....this week started out kinda shitty; made REALLY stupoid decisions and other stuff that I really don't wanna get involved in! BUT, but....this is important, as soon as I heard about Skye's stream, I got happy! I knew it was going to be somethin' to look forward to. Also, I've also listened up some of the Sonic 4 OST just now, and I've gotta's okay; not bad, but it's trying TOO HARD to be nostalgic, and not original! Well, that was kind of a short one, but hopefully next week, and the weeks that follow, will be slightly longer.

Oh, and I might be doing a stream containing awesomeness during late August! What is it!? I WILL NEVER TELL, least not right now! *mwehehehehhehee*