Friday, May 14, 2010

Uneventful Opposite of the Previous Week

If the title doesn't say it well enough, this week was basically the sucky version of last week, but it was still okay...up until today!

On Saturday, I recorded the first 7 and messy episodes of ShaTH, with two attempts being taken to record the first episodes, and the third being successful. Also, it became a tad bit annoying to find all the damns in this game. I mean, there's already 30+ damns, and we haven't even gotten to the Hero story, and there's a lot there! I also picked which games I was going to LT for the week after this (starting this Sunday, I remind you guys). Also, huzzah for Casino Night Zone with Lyrics.

Sunday was very bleh, and I mean very bleh! I got lazy and didn't up the first Shadow episode until noon. Other than that, don't remember much about Sunday.

Monday, oh boy, Monday! This Monday was definitely a Monday; why? Well, let's just say that I got zero progress done in any of my classes, which basically could've meant I could've skipped that day and nothing would've happened. After school, I did, however, watch Fantastic Mr. Fox, which, like I tweeted, is...well...FANTASTIC! I had literally no problems with the film while watching it.

Tuesday was even more of a thing! Reason for this was I had a test in Math (FUN!), as well as more assignment stuff in Marketing and Business Computers. When I got home, however, I watched Chicken Run. I haven't watched that film in a while, and since I've aged a lot since the last time I did, I got a lot more of the jokes. I always love watching old childhood films to understand the jokes I didn't understand before. I wonder if anyone else does...OH WELL!

Wednesday was the improved sequel to Monday, where stuff actually got done! I did some Science homework, I worked on the Pyramid Building project....thing, and I got started on my Hangman turing project proper. Even better, when I got home, I watched the film adaptation of Sweeney Todd. By the way, if you haven't seen it, DO; it's probably the best of Burton's works in this millenium. Burton should stop remaking old films or books and focus on adaptions of horror plays, because he does a better job at doing that than anything else.

Thursday was like Monday, but three days late, if you know what I mean! Zero progression in Marketing, zero progression in English, zero progression in Business Computers, and zero progression in Math! Yet I still had to go to my homework club....sonuvabitch! On the plus side, though, it gave me a chance to finish reading the Life of Pi (awesome book, btw) as well as getting Pizza Hut! HELLZ YEAH! I had high hopes that tomorrow was going to be fantabulocious!

BOY WAS I WRONG! Today began shittly (new word because I said so), because I couldn't, not kidding here, stop going to the bathroom. It may not sound painful, but having to do 4 times within the span of an hour made my ass BLEED! On top of all that, I had to stay home from school, which I might tell you I hate having to do. I still went constantly, which, by noon, made me feel like I was going to die from shitting! After lunch, though, I played some Reach Beta, and record my 4th LT. By 5, I was all fixeded up, and began playing some Fallout 3 on the new sexy HD TV that I got in prepartion for New Vegas!

Anyways, let's hope next week will be kinder, and cleaner in terms of my ass! So, until next Friday, see you later and good-bye!

1 comment:

  1. I also hate missing school cause' then im full of homework an i miss freagin math explanations bout topics which seem immposible to me and are things I will never use in life ever freagin again.
